
Youth Formation

Throughout St. Andrew’s, we encourage meaningful participation in youth in all aspects of parish life. Our youth ministry includes any area of ministry in which youth are active, from serving as an acolyte, to singing in the choir, to reading in church, and attending formation activities. We aspire to be a Christian Covenant Community in which youth may safely explore how they are called to follow Jesus.

Our main formation occurs on Sunday mornings between 11:30 and 12:15. The youth are split into two groups, 6th – 8th grade and 9th – 12th.

6th-8th Grade

The 6th – 8th graders follow Spark’s Re:Form curriculum in an interactive media format. They explore topics from biblical stories to church tradition.

9th-12th Grade

The 9th – 12th grade class is involved in our own Faith and Film curriculum. Using popular clips from movies, we explore questions of faith as teens encounter the in daily living and the larger world.


Confirmation class begins in 7th grade and is available in the youth format through 12th grade. We currently use Confirm not Conform Curriculum with our own adaptations. Please email the Rector, will(at)standrews(dot)net with questions.

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