Parish Ministries

Those who serve in one of the many ministries listed to the right are vital to our parish life. Volunteers meet visitors and new parishioners, take Communion to those in the hospital or homebound, help lead worship, assist with the care of our physical church, hand out bags for children to use in the worship service, or lend a hand (or simply a cooked meal!) to parishioners in need by serving on our Caring Committee.

These are just a few of the ways you can support fellow parishioners and our guests – check out the ways you can offer your gift by clicking the buttons on the right.

Maybe something catches your eye and you sense a calling?

Please call the church office at (703) 455-2500 if you wish to volunteer and we will put you in touch with the leader for any of these ministries.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild works behind the scenes to assist the clergy by preparing everything needed at the altar and in the church for the celebration of Eucharist, and services such as baptism, weddings, and funerals. They ensure all things for the service, from the vessels and linens – and pretty much anything needed – is ready!

Flower Guild

Flower Guild members arrange flowers for services on a rotating basis. We also decorate the church for Christmas and Easter. New members are always welcome and training is provided. Altar flowers are given as memorials or thanksgivings and are printed in the service bulletins.

Prayer Guild

The Prayer Guild prays not only for those on the intercessory prayer list, the sick and departed, but every member of the congregation. We believe that all are in need of God’s grace and mercy. Our sense of community is strengthened when we pray for one another, in good times and in bad. God knows our needs even when we don’t. And thanksgivings are always in order.

Eucharist Ministers & Visitors

Eucharist Ministers serve at the altar, assisting clergy with distributing wine during Communion, reading the day’s scripture when necessary (in the absence of a Lector), and leading the Prayers of the People.

Eucharist Visitors take Communion following the service to the homebound or those in hospital as prearranged. They lead prayers with others, distribute bread and wine, and are the face or connection of St. Andrew’s on any given Sunday to parishioners. As said in the parting words from clergy to the Eucharist Visitor, “we send you with our prayers as we do share one body and one cup.”


Reading of scripture in community is a part of ancient Christian worship  and so we continue this tradition. Lectors, or readers, are important in helping lead worship.

Sunday Greeters

Sunday Greeters provide a welcome to guests, newcomers, and parishioners every Sunday – and whenever we meet! You don’t have to know all the ins and outs of the church; you just need a willingness to say “hi, welcome” to others. You know the feeling of being warmly greeted in a strange place – this is what you can offer to others!

Visitation Team

Perhaps you are willing to take a bag of bread and a welcome packet to a recent visitor or guest? It doesn’t require a lot of time or for you to know everything about the church. All it takes is your willingness to say “Welcome to St. Andrew’s!” to a recent newcomer.

Support Committee

When parishioners or newcomers might be in need of a meal, this group springs into action and delivers a home-cooked meal with a simple reminder that St. Andrew’s is thinking of them.


Ushers are often the first person you meet at church and we invite you to this important ministry of welcome, as we all can use a hand – and the ushers are usually the first to give theirs! Ushers not only hand out bulletins, they welcome guests and point the way to classrooms and all the places newcomers need to know.

Grounds Ministry

St. Andrew’s has several garden and woodland areas to be tended and cherished: The Memorial Garden behind the church where parishioners and their immediate family members are interred, the area surrounding the Richardson Memorial, the altar and path in the woods, the church entrance, and beds in front of the church and surrounding the Old Keene Mill Road sign. Volunteers are in charge of maintaining these areas throughout the year.

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