
Friends of Music and the Arts at St. Andrew’s

2024-2025 Concert Series schedule

Dear Friends,

We’ve reached an important milestone: our *second* full concert season since the beginning of the pandemic, which must mean that our newfound momentum was not a fluke, but a testament to the strong support in this parish and beyond for making high quality art accessible for the entire community. 

One of my great joys in serving St. Andrew’s is witnessing this parish’s commitment to paying artists fairly, and FoMA takes this mission seriously. To do this, of course, requires a commitment from as many of you as are able. I really hope you’ll consider increasing your gift either in the plate or in the mail if you’ve donated before, or consider throwing even a dollar or two in the pot if you haven’t.

Our sincere hope is that anyone who sees our doors can be exposed to great art for free, and this starts with supporting our artists. 

Meanwhile, if you’re new here, we’re really glad you found us, and hope you’ll come back for more free concerts throughout this season and beyond. We also hope you’ll come see us on Sunday mornings, when our choir and organ support music every week and where everyone, of all ages and from all backgrounds, is truly welcome.

FoMA Board

Admission is free, masks are optional, and receptions will follow all of our events. All of this is made possible by our generous donors. If you are interested in becoming a donor or helping Friends of Music, please contact our FoMA Board at: foma@standrews.net.


Give Online

We invite individuals, families, and businesses to support this event series by becoming a sponsor at one of several levels of tax-deductible financial support.

Donation Tiers

Friend: up to $49
Associate: $50-99
Donor: $100-249
Sponsor: $250-499
Patron: $500-1,499

If you are interested in sponsoring a particular performance, please contact foma@standrews.net for information.

Underwriting Tiers

Underwriter: $1,500-2,999
Benefactor: $3,000+

All supporters will be recognized in event programs for the period of one year from the date of their donation.

If you wish to donate, please send a check, made payable to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church (and with Friends of Music and the Arts or FoMA on the memo line) to:

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
6509 Sydenstricker Road
Burke, Virginia 22015

Thank you for considering supporting this series!

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